Crushed Dreams: An Innocent Turbo Meets An Untimely Demise

Gearheads all like seeing carnage… it’s implanted in our DNA somehow. We’re talking about cars blowing up, crashes, and other demolition. Most of the time this happens on accident; on the Nurburgring in the wet, some ill-conceived drift session, because of overzealous rally drivers, or just plain poor street driving.

But what about purposeful destruction? Not a demolition derby or the like, something more sinister, backed by outright malice. How about a hydraulic press operator with a mean streak? Such is the scenario with this video.

The footage depicts what happens when said press operator goes all “cause and effect” on an unsuspecting turbocharger. The turbo wheel is in action as the machine’s piston starts its downward journey but is brought to a sudden stop as the machine shears the compressor housing into oblivion.

The video features multiple angles of the exercise and a few nice slow motion clips to keep the audience engaged. The spinning turbine wheel ends up embedded in the hydraulic press head where it is peeled out like a potato chip by the operator during his postmortem. This is pretty impressive as the turbine wheel is the thicker of the two wheels, often made of exotic, durable alloys like Inconel. There are some juicy scenes of obliteration on display. It’s brutal but it’s must-see TV for sure.

Forget the pumpkin chucking with those huge elaborate trebuchet slinging machines; this is high-tech annihilation at its best. Makes us wish we had a powerful press like this in our own workshop.

About the author

Evan Griffey

Evan Griffey was the editor of Turbo & High-Tech Performance magazine from 1992 to 2005. The magazine, a founding father of the import scene, gave a struggling, disrespected automotive subculture a voice, credibility, and ultimately its rightful place as a mainstream industry complete with its own movie franchise. Evan has freelanced for the likes of Sport Compact Car, Super Street, Import Tuner, Modified,, and MSN Autos and we look forward to keeping his keyboard at full boost here at REVVED.
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