ARP Bolsters 7.3-Liter Godzilla Engines With A Robust Rod Bolt Kit

ARP introduced a rod bolt kit designed for the Ford Godzilla 7.3-liter engine. The kit delivers increased strength and reliability for high-performance applications. The ARP Godzilla Rod Bolt Kit offers a robust solution for engine builders seeking enhanced durability, addressing the demands of modified engines.

The kit contains 16 ARP2000 12-point rod bolts. These bolts undergo a meticulous manufacturing process, including centerless grinding for improved concentricity. Following this, heat treatment precedes thread rolling and machining, increasing fatigue strength. Each bolt carries a minimum tensile strength rating of 220,000 psi.

These bolts are reusable, provided they show no signs of yielding. Additionally, a half-ounce packet of ARP Ultra-Torque Fastener Assembly Lubricant comes in the kit. This lubricant allows users to achieve 95 to 100 percent of the recommended preload on the first attempt, eliminating the need for repeated tightening cycles. Detailed instructions for proper installation complete the kit.

For proper installation and optimal bolt performance, ARP recommends the stretch method for tightening rod bolts. This method involves measuring bolt stretch with a gauge. The target stretch falls between .0065 and .007 inches. Alternatively, if a stretch gauge is unavailable, installers can instead torque the bolts to 40 lb-ft.

It’s also important to check the connecting rod cap for adequate chamfer around the bolt hole to guarantee proper clearance. Proper lubrication of the bolt threads and under the bolt head with the supplied ARP Ultra-Torque is essential as well.

After installing the new rod bolts, connecting rods require resizing. Finally, maintaining a record of each bolt’s original, non-torqued length is good practice. Bolts exhibiting permanent deformation or an increase in non-torqued length exceeding .001 inch should be replaced.

The ARP Godzilla Rod Bolt Kit offers a solution for strengthening the bottom end of the Ford Godzilla engine. The kit provides improved reliability for demanding applications. The estimated jobber price for the kit is $321.95. The new kit provides engine builders with a quality option for building stronger, more potent Godzilla engines.

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