Get Paid To Buy A Crankshaft Or Camshaft From Chevrolet Performance

Get Paid To Buy A Crankshaft Or Camshaft From Chevrolet Performance

If you’re currently in the market for engine parts for your Chevrolet engine, now’s the perfect time for you to get off the fence and pull the trigger on a new camshaft or crankshaft (or both) from Chevrolet Performance. They announced that starting today and lasting through the end of summer (September 30, 2018 to be specific), when you buy any Chevrolet Performance cam, crank, camshaft combination package, or rotating assembly from a participating Chevrolet, Buick, GMC or Cadillac Dealer or a Chevrolet Performance Authorized Powertrain Reseller, Chevrolet Performance will be kicking back $25, $50, or $75 your way, on either a physical Visa Prepaid Card or a Virtual Prepaid Mastercard.

Buying one of Chevrolet Performance’s camshafts will not only get you some of the best grinds available for your bowtie, but will net you either a $25 or $50 card, while purchasing a new crankshaft will net you $75 back. If you choose to press the easy button and go with one of Chevrolet Performance’s camshaft kits, or a complete LSX454 rotating assembly, you’ll also be bumped up into the $75 rebate category, while getting ready-to-go performance parts in one single box.

If you decide to purchase a camshaft kit, like the LT1/LT4 Hot Cam Kit pictured here, not only do you get a camshaft, valve springs, rocker arms, and the associated hardware, but also a $75 rebate.

You’re allowed up to three rebates per mailing address, so if you have multiple projects in need of completion, or even just freshening up with a new bumpstick, this is your chance to make summer great again. Head over to Chevrolet Performance’s offers page for complete details, terms, and conditions of the promotion, and to eitther submit your information online, or to download the sheet you need to submit via snail mail, if that’s how you roll. Either way, that’s the spot to get your rebate started.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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