PRI 2017: Powerful Engine Control For Modern Muscle

Link Engine Management

If you are a fan of Formula Drift, chances are you have seen the Link Engine Management logo screaming by on some of the vehicles slaying tires at tracks across the country. In fact a Link Engine Management ECU propelled James Deane to a 2017 Formula Drift championship. But what many people may not know is that the Link Engine Management line of engine control units have helped produce a wide variety of road and rally champions along the way as well.

Link G4+ Fury Features


• 8/10x digital inputs

• 4x temperature inputs

• 9x analog inputs

• 2x trigger inputs

• 2x knock inputs


• 8x injector drivers

• 6x ignition drivers

• 10x auxiliary outputs

Link ECUs are completely designed and developed in New Zealand with an extensive list of worldwide dealers who are available to supply, install, and tune an ECU for your vehicle. Now the company is bringing its impressive array of controllers to the United States market, complete with in-country human tech support.

The company’s focus is to offer a full range of products for racers and everyday enthusiasts as well. The top-of-the-line WireIn ECUs are designed for the racing enthusiast who needs a product that is completely adaptable to any vehicle or application, but what caught our attention were its G4+ Fury and G4+ Thunder WireIn ECUs, which are suited for controlling modern muscle cars.

Link G4+ Thunder Features


• 16x digital inputs

• 4x temperature inputs

• 16x analog inputs

• 2x trigger inputs

• 2x knock inputs


• 8x injector drivers

• 8x ignition drivers

• 18x auxiliary outputs

“What makes our ECU’s unique is that all of our kits are flex-fuel compatible,” Andy Millard, CEO of Link, explained. “And for the US drag racing market, our Thunder ECU —which is the top of the range — is the ideal package for vehicles running variable cam timing systems. The Thunder can handle whatever data you throw at it.”

The Fury and Thunder ECUs allow race teams to make adjustments based on the track conditions, engine modifications, and the numerous transmission tweaks that Formula Drift vehicles are subject to during the season.

For more information on the entire lineup of Link Engine Management products, visit the company’s official website here.

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About the author

Kelly Getzelman

Kelly is a SoCal car enthusiast and skilled driver. His “get out and drive” obsession began after attending his first high-performance racing school while serving on active duty. Since then, he has attended numerous military and civilian driving schools across the country to help fuel that passion.
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