PRI 2015: Scat’s Scat Pack Rotating Assemblies Are One Stop Shopping

When sourcing products for an engine build, unless an enthusiast is having the entire engine designed and built at a particular shop, the task of selecting parts can be a challenge, and that’s where companies like Scat Crankshafts can make the job simpler for the end-user. Their new Scat Pack rotating assembly kits offer the enthusiast a kit that has everything required to finish off the rotating assembly without the challenges of making sure that this piston works well with that connecting rod, and the connecting rod is the right product to mesh with the crankshaft of choice.

“The Scat Packs are a complete kit — crank, rods, bearings, pistons, rings, all balanced and ready to go,” says Scat’s Tom Lieb.

scat2“The problem that we encounter is that a customer buys a crank here, a rod there, a piston there, and the first question is whether it’s all compatible. The counterweight on the crank has to be cut for the rod length, the piston has to match and everything has to gel. And if the customer buys it from different people, then he has three or four people to deal with. We’ve done all that work for him already. We’ve taken the fudge factor out of it, and we’ve done our homework to know it all works together.”

Although Scat doesn’t make their own pistons, their decades of experience in the business, coupled with their knowledge and connections within the piston industry, allows them to source the ideal piston to provide the customer with the right gear for each particular application.

“It’s about having the right products that all work together, and giving the customer one guy to talk to,” says Lieb.

The company’s newest applications are the Modular Ford, LS, and late-model Hemi engines, although they can supply a complete Scat Pack for just about any application — there are over 1,500 rotating assemblies in their catalog.

Scat Packs are offered with different levels of components, from cast to forged to billet crankshafts along with the appropriate connecting rod and piston for the application.

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About the author

Jason Reiss

Jason draws on over 15 years of experience in the automotive publishing industry, and collaborates with many of the industry's movers and shakers to create compelling technical articles and high-quality race coverage.
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