SEMA 2021: Port Fuel Injection For LT1/LT4 Engines From TooHighPSI

SEMA 2021: Port Fuel Injection For LT1/LT4 Engines From TooHighPSI

Direct Injection has changed the game when it comes to the internal combustion engine. However, one thing that has proven to be challenging as opposed to the previous port-injection system is the easy fuel system upgradability we’ve come to know and love. Thankfully companies like TooHighPSI, who have developed a method of adding port injection to a factory direct-injection setup, have helped lessen the burden of upgrading modern fuel systems.

“These are what we call port plates, which allow you to add port injection to your otherwise direct-injected engine. These are for LT1 and LT4 engines,” says Mike Sitar of TooHighPSI Performance. On display are a set of plates designed specifically around Magnuson’s 2650 supercharger system.

“Since you have to relocate the coils for the blower already, they are a very straightforward design. They are one of our LP [for ‘low profile’] designs. They are the thinnest we can make, as limited by the physical size of the injector. We also have the R plate which will allow you to run larger injectors, as well,” Sitar explains.

The TooHighPSI “SC” line of plates is designed to work with stock ignition coils.

TooHighPSI also makes a line of injector plates dubbed SC. “‘SC’ doesn’t mean supercharged, but stands for ‘stock coil.’ The system is designed to fit around the factory coils and keep everything in place,” says Sitar. “The 80 lb/hr injectors are good for about 1,400 horsepower on E85 on an LT4, and will fit under a stock Camaro SS hood. On the ZL1 they do require some minor hood trimming.”

In addition to the supplemental fuel, TooHighPSI also has a front-drive upgrade for LT-based supercharged engines, aimed at curing the bane of ribbed-belt supercharger users everywhere — belt slip. “Our kit has an upgraded tensioner with additional width and length from a billet bracket, and a 10- or 12-rib pulley system,” says Sitar.

“A lot of guys are hitting the limits of the 8-rib belt with the 2650 systems at about 1,100 horsepower. To fight it, they are either running a Gates green belt and killing the tensioner or an RPM belt and snapping them. The 10-rib setup will handle probably 1300 horsepower, and the 12-rib… we don’t know yet; we’ll see.” With the full kit of pullies and upgraded heavy-duty tensioner available, TooHighPSI is dealing with all the needs of big-power LT supercharged systems.

One of the unique challenges of supercharging is battling belt slip, TooHighPSI not only has a 10- and 12-rib pulley kit, but also a much beefier billet tensioner to be able to handle the demand of big horsepower and a serpentine belt.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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