Wal-Mart Oil vs. Name-Brand: Durability and Performance Test

Wal-Mart Oil vs. Name-Brand: Durability and Performance Test

When it comes to choosing motor oil, we all want the best for our engines. But what happens when you pit a name-brand conventional oil like Chevron Havoline against Walmart’s budget-friendly Super Tech synthetic? That’s exactly what Lake Speed, Jr. — The Motor Oil Geek — set out to discover using a450-horsepower flat-tappet small-block Chevy and a highly controlled testing process. The results might just change how you think about motor oil.

The test engine wasn’t just your average V8. It features advanced piston rings with a revolutionary variable hardness coating. These rings start soft, conforming perfectly to the cylinder walls during the critical break-in period, and then harden for long-term durability. It’s state-of-the-art technology designed to minimize wear and extend engine life — a perfect setup to test how well these oils perform.

The team went to great lengths to ensure everything was fair. The engine was flushed twice to remove contaminants, the oil filters were pre-filled, and temperatures were carefully monitored. This wasn’t just another backyard experiment; it was a methodical approach to uncover the truth.

Round One: Chevron Havoline

Chevron Havoline was up first. Known for its vertically integrated production — Chevron makes both the base oil and the additive package — this conventional oil represents decades of expertise. After a thorough flush, the team filled the engine, warmed it up, and hit the dyno.

Havoline held its own, but the results showed its limitations. The oil ran hotter than its synthetic competitor, a common trait for conventional oils due to their lower heat transfer efficiency. While it wasn’t a blowout, the data hinted at what was to come.

Round Two: Walmart Super Tech Synthetic

Enter Walmart Super Tech. Yes, it’s a budget oil, but don’t let the price fool you. While Walmart doesn’t make its own oil, it works with private-label blenders to meet stringent API SP standards. Once the engine was flushed and filled with Super Tech, the team repeated the test.

The results? Eye-opening. The engine produced slightly more power and showed less wear with Super Tech. The wear metals in the oil dropped from Havoline’s 11 parts per million (ppm) to just 8 ppm. That’s a 27 percent improvement —proof that this synthetic oil delivers real benefits where it counts.

The story didn’t end with horsepower and wear. The team used advanced testing equipment to measure each oil’s stability under high heat. Havoline started strong at 45 minutes of oxidation stability but dropped to 40 minutes after testing. Super Tech? It began at a robust 71 minutes and only dipped to 63 minutes, showing the inherent durability of synthetic formulations.

The Verdict

Walmart’s Super Tech didn’t just hold its own — it came out on top. It reduced wear, lasted longer, and even delivered a slight edge in power. Havoline still proved itself as a solid option, but this test shattered the myth that synthetic oils can’t be used in flat-tappet engines.

The takeaway? Your engine doesn’t care about brand names. It cares about chemistry and performance. Whether you’re on a budget or simply want the best for your car, Super Tech proves that synthetic oil can deliver big results at a small price.

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